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Get Fast, Accurate IQ Scores and Engaging Brain Training,
All in One Place!

How do I discover my IQ score?

"Pen poised over a multiple-choice (MCQ) or IQ test sheet, indicating selection of answers."

Take Our IQ Test

Our fast IQ test, designed by top psychologists, consists of 20 multiple-choice questions for the most accurate scoring.

Illustration depicting the inner workings of a person's brain during the thought process.

Get Your IQ Score

Upon submitting your answers, we rapidly calculate your IQ score using our scoring system, renowned for being the most accurate available on the internet.

"Black and white illustration of a brain lighting up with a significant idea."

Boost Your Intelligence

Not only will you discover your IQ test score, but you’ll also receive valuable tips designed to improve your IQ and enhance your cognitive abilities.


▶️ Instant Results

Get your IQ score instantly upon completing our test.

▶️ Created by Top Psychologists

Our test is backed by leading psychologists for accurate results.

▶️ Official Certification

Request an electronic certificate to validate your IQ test achievement.

Illustration of a sample IQ test question from our website, showcasing the type of challenges available on IQEnigma.

What exactly is an IQ Test

An IQ test assesses cognitive skills like logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving. It provides an IQ score, typically ranging from 40 to 160. These tests often involve solving sequence-based puzzles through analytical thinking. IQ tests are widely used for various purposes, including educational placement, employment screening, and psychological assessments, to gain insights into an individual’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. While IQ scores can provide valuable information, they should be considered alongside other factors when evaluating a person’s overall abilities and potential.

Illustration of a sample IQ test question from our website, showcasing the type of challenges available on IQEnigma.

How are IQ scores determined?

Wechsler’s widely used IQ test scale calculates your IQ score by comparing your performance to that of your peers within the same age group. For instance, if you outperform 86% of your peers, your score falls between 115 and 120. Conversely, the lower you score compared to others, the lower your IQ. The average IQ score ranges from 85 to 115, encompassing more than two-thirds of the population. Scores below 85 are considered low, while those above 115 are regarded as gifted. The farther you deviate from this range, the fewer individuals share your IQ level.

"Graph showing the distribution of average IQ scores across the population, broken down by percentage."

Could you potentially be a genius?
Take our test to find out!

"Illustration of a concentrated woman sitting at a table, typing diligently on her computer."

Wanna know which countries have the highest average IQ?

Did you know that all six of the highest-ranked countries in terms of average IQ are located in Asia? It’s a testament to the region’s emphasis on education and intellectual development.

"Infographic displaying the average IQ scores in the world's smartest countries, including Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, and Singapore, ranked by IQ."
"Illustration in shades of blue depicting a happy man lying in bed and reading a book."

Our Key Features

Discover your cognitive potential with IQENIGMA, the premier destination for IQ testing online. Our platform offers a free IQ test, renowned for its speed and precision, making it the most accurate IQ test available. Dive into our IQ tests to not only gauge your intelligence but also receive personalized tips to improve your IQ. Complete your journey by obtaining your official IQ Certificate, a testament to your cognitive prowess. Start now and elevate your intellect with IQENIGMA – where intelligence meets accuracy and growth.

"Illustration in shades of blue depicting a happy man lying in bed and reading a book."